Singapore is one of the favorite countries for Choir Express customers in package delivery. We are at the forefront because we are able to send packages to Singapore in just 2 – 3 days after the package is processed, because our team handles direct shipments from Choir Express Indonesia to your destination address in Singapore. Send your package to Singapore with Choir Express, which guarantees, speed, accuracy and security of delivery. The price for shipping to Singapore starts from Rp.60,000/kg.
Immediately send your package with us, because we are Experts in Overseas Packages.
Because Choir Express Has Own Flights for Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan
Delivery prices to Choir Express head office via J&T Cargo start from one thousand rupiah per kg
It only took 3-5 working days for the package to arrive at the destination address.
Customers don't have to bother delivering packages because we pick up free.
In order to make your goods safer, we can help you with packing at no extra cost.
Our customer service is ready to serve and answer all your questions responsively.
Easy and Real Time delivery tracking system.
Delivery transactions can be made using a Smart Phone.
Free shipping to the Choir Express head office via KAI Logistik (Kalog) throughout Java Island
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Perkiraan waktu pengiriman dari Indonesia ke singapore hanya 2 - 3 Hari kerja
Berikut barang yang tidak diperkenakan dikirim ke singapore:
- Rokok
- Minuman dengan kadar alcohol tinggi
- Barang peledak dan mudah terbakar
- Tanaman & Hewan yang dilindungi
- Zat kimia yang cenderung berbahaya
- Senapan Angin dan Pistol
- Obat-obatan Mesti ada surat izin permit nya
Apabila Anda ingin mengirimkan barang ke singapore, namun masih ragu apakah bisa dikirim atau tidak, silahkan konsultasikan dengan kami!
Anda mungkin bingung dan sulit memilih jasa pengiriman ke singapore yang terpercaya, karena seringkali salah pilih jasa pengiriman, membuat pengalaman buruk dan mengecewakan. Konsultasikan masalah pengiriman Anda dengan Choir Express yang sudah berpengalaman dan memastikan paket Anda akan sampai dengan aman, cepat, dan tepat, karena kami ahlinya paket luar negeri.